bladder, cases Week 499: Case 1 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by George Netto, M.D. and prepared by Safia Salaria, M.B.B.S.68 year old man, with a prior history of urothelial "flat" CIS that was treated with BCG, was found to have a "papillary" lesion in the lateral bladder wall lesion on a surveillance cystoscopic exam. A transurethral resection was performed.images/1alex/101011case1image1.jpgimages/1alex/101011case1image2.jpgimages/1alex/101011case1image3.jpgimages/1alex/101011case1image4.jpgimages/1alex/101011case1image5.jpgAdenocarcinoma, primary of urinary bladderProstatic adenocarcinoma involving urinary bladderNephrogenic adenomaMicrocystic/Tubular variant of urothelial carcinoma Loading...