breast, cases Week 368: Case 3 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by Joseph J. Maleszewski, M.D.68 y.o Asian American female patient with an unremarkable screening mammogram 10 month earlier. 6 month following the negative mammogram patient palpated an irregular breast mass in the lateral left breast, which measured 3.1 cm on ultrasound. (Core biopsy showed a poorly differentiated spindle cell neoplasm that was ER/PR and Her2 negative. Ki67 showed a proliferative index of >75%.images/jjm101308/case3a.jpgimages/jjm101308/case3b.jpgimages/jjm101308/case3c.jpgimages/jjm101308/case3d.jpgPoorly differentiate ductal carcinoma with sarcomatoid (metaplastic) componentMetaplastic carcinomaMetastatic non-small cell carcinomaMetastatic melanoma Loading...