cases, tongue Week 304: Case 2 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by Shien Micchelli, M.D.This 72-year-old gentleman was found to have an incidental left lateral tongue lesion on routine dental evaluation. The lesion was biopsied and found to be moderate to poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Subsequently, the patient underwent a left partial glossectomy.images/3_12_07_2a.jpgimages/3_12_07_2b.jpgimages/3_12_07_2c.jpgimages/3_12_07_2e.jpgimages/3_12_07_2f.jpgHigh grade neuroendocrine carcinomaPoorly differentiated adenosquamous carcinomaBasaloid squamous cell carcinomaAdenoid cystic carcinoma, solid variant Loading...