bone, cases Week 117: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by James J. Sciubba, M.D. and prepared by Ali Ansari-Lari, M.D.,Ph.D.A 23-year-old male was noted to have an impacted mandibular left 3rd molar which was asymptomatic in nature. Upon radiographic examination however there was a large radiolucency associated with the crown of the unerupted tooth. The radiolucency was well defined and had an associated thin hyperostotic margin. There was no evidence of associated root resorption of the adjacent mandibular second molar tooth nor was there evidence of significant jaw expansion or sensory neuropathy.images/JS6r.JPGimages/JS6a.JPGimages/JS6b.JPGimages/JS6c.JPGimages/JS6e.JPGOdontogenic keratocystDentigerous cystAmeloblastoma arising within a dentigerous cystRadicular cyst Loading...