bone, cases Week 117: Case 4 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by James J. Sciubba, M.D. and prepared by Ali Ansari-Lari, M.D.,Ph.D.A 52-year-old female was noted upon routine examination to have a radiolucent alteration of the alveolar bone between the mandibular left first and second premolar teeth. The radiolucent lesion was slightly loculated and produced a slight divergence of the adjacent teeth. The cystic alteration was not associated with clinical symptoms and was discovered incidentally.images/JS3r.JPGimages/JS3a.JPGimages/JS3b.JPGimages/JS3c.JPGOdontogenic keratocystAmeloblastomaLateral periodontal cystOdontogenic myxomaRadicular cyst Loading...