bone, cases Week 117: Case 2 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by James J. Sciubba, M.D. and prepared by Ali Ansari-Lari, M.D.,Ph.D.A 23-year old male was noted to have a large cystic radiolucency in the posterior portion of the mandible, which extended from the retromolar region towards the inferior portion of the mandibular ramus. The margin of the radiolucency was well defined with a thin, smooth radiopaque outline. A trace of multilocularity was noted within the radiographic alteration. Clinically, there was a slight degree of buccal bone expansion; however, there was no evidence of neurological alteration.images/JS1r.JPGimages/JS1a.JPGimages/JS1b.JPGimages/JS1c.JPGimages/JS1d.JPGAmeloblastomaOdontogenic keratocystCentral giant cell granulomaDentigerous cyst Loading...