cases, testis Week 320: Case 5 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Jonathan Epstein, M.D. and prepared by Wang (Steve) Cheung, M.D., Ph.D.A 47-year-old male was noted to have a 5-6 month history of an enlarging testicle. No associated urinary symptoms from hematuria or constitutional symptoms were noted. The right testicle had a 2 cm area of induration in the lower posterior pole. The left testicle was diffusely large, firm and non-tender. Scrotal ultrasound revealed bilateral testicular masses with hypervascularity. The mass on the right measured 2.4 cm and the left mass replaced the entire testicle, measuring 5.1 cm. Wedge resections were done on each testis./images/june06075a.jpg/images/june06075b.jpg/images/june06075c.jpg/images/june06075d.jpgGranulomatous inflammation, most like due to tuberculosisGranulomatous inflammation, most like due to syphilisSarcoidosisRosai-Dorfman disease Loading...