cases, testis Week 593: Case 3 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by George Netto, M.D. and prepared by Doreen Nguyen, M.D.A 10 year-old boy underwent a right orchiectomy for a traumatic testicular injury he sustained in a cycling accident.images/D Nguyen/8-4-14/case 3/2X_blood sft_450 pixels.jpgimages/D Nguyen/8-4-14/case 3/2X_blood tubules_450 pixels.jpgimages/D Nguyen/8-4-14/case 3/20X_intraluminalnecrosis_450 pixels.jpgimages/D Nguyen/8-4-14/case 3/20X_multinucleation_450 pixels.jpgimages/D Nguyen/8-4-14/case 3/20X_tubules_450 pixels.jpgPrepubertal testis with hemorrage and lacerationPrepubertal testis with hemorrage, laceration, and incidental IGCNUPrepubertal testis with hemorrage, laceration, and incidental synctiotrophoblastic cells Loading...