ampulla of vater, cases Week 530: Case 2 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Ralph Hruban, M.D. and prepared by Robert E LeBlanc, M.D.This elderly patient was noted by their spouse to have "yellow eyes." (As Sir William Osler said, "jaundice is the disease your friends diagnose.") A Whipple resection was performed after an appropriate medical evaluation.images/RHH2 01.jpgimages/RHH2 02.jpgimages/RHH2 03.jpgAmpullary epithelium with reactive changesAmpullary adenoma with low-grade dysplasiaAmpullary adenoma with high-grade dysplasiaAmpullary adenoma with high-grade dysplasia and an associated invasive adenocarcinoma Loading...