cases, lung Week 482: Case 3 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by Hillary Elwood, M.D.72 y.o. Caucasian female with a recent history of pulmonary sarcoidosis and low grade B-cell lymphoma (CLL) involving her bone marrow now presenting with worsening pulmonary function. The patient has been on steroid therapy for 3 months for her sarcoidosis.images/1alex/05302011case3image1.jpgimages/1alex/05302011case3image2.jpgimages/1alex/05302011case3image3.jpgimages/1alex/05302011case3image4.jpgimages/1alex/05302011case3image5.jpgRecurrent sarcoidosisLow-grade B-cell lymphoma (CLL) involving lungBronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumoniaPneumocystis pneumonia Loading...