cases, larynx Week 453: Case 2 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by Shiyama Mudali, M.D.50 y.o. African American woman with a 6.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm filiform mobile left lateral aryepiglottic mass that was noticed by the patient after regurgigating into the oral cavityimages/1alex/100410case2image1.jpgimages/1alex/100410case2image2.jpgimages/1alex/100410case2image5.jpgimages/1alex/100410case2image3.jpgimages/1alex/100410case2image4.jpgGiant fibrovascular polypAtypicak lipomatous tumorAngiofibromaBranchial cleft abnormality Loading...