cases, thyroid Week 416: Case 1 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by Hillary Ross, M.D.60 y.o. white female patient with enlarged nodular thyroid. FNA was positive for carcinoma with the differential diagnosis including papillary and medullary carcinoma. On gross exam, five well defined nodules were noted in both lobes and the isthmus that ranged from 0.5-1.5 cm. Four of these nodules showed identical histology (slide 1), whereas a 0.6 cm nodule showed different histology (slides 2-5).images/1alex/11302009case1image1.jpgimages/1alex/11302009case1image2.jpgimages/1alex/11302009case1image3.jpgimages/1alex/11302009case1image4.jpgimages/1alex/11302009case1image5.jpgMultifocal papillary carcinomaMedullary carcinoma (0.6 cm) in thyroid with multifocal papillary carcinomaMixed medullary-papillary carcinoma in thyroid with multifocal papillary carcinomaMultifocal papillary carcinoma with C-cell hyperplasia Loading...