cases, lung Week 353: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Peter Illei, M.D. and prepared by ChanJuan Shi, M.D., Ph.D.50 y.o. white male who works as a wrestling coach and in the setting of a chest injury, had a chest x-ray that revealed a left lower lobe mass, which had been entirely asymptomatic. PET CT scan performed revealed low-density lobulated masses at the left lung base and one at the anteromedial right lung base near the cardiophrenic angle.images/illei060908-6a.jpgimages/illei060908-6b.jpgimages/illei060908-6c.jpgimages/illei060908-6d.jpgimages/illei060908-6e.jpgWegener's granulomatosisTuberculosisLymphomatoid granulmatosisVaricella-zoster-related viral pneumonia Loading...