cases, retroperitoneum Week 345: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Ralph Hruban, M.D. and prepared by Zarir E. Karanjawala, M.D., Ph.D.This elderly man complained of a vague sense of abdominal fullness. A CAT scan revealed a large mass intimately associated with the pancreas. A pancreatectomy was performed.images/hruban032408_6a.jpgimages/hruban032408_6b.jpgimages/hruban032408_6c.jpgimages/hruban032408_6d.jpgimages/hruban032408_6e.jpgLeiomyosarcomaCarcinosarcomaLeiomyomaGastrointestinal stromal tumorSchwannoma Loading...