cases, paratesticular Week 323: Case 4 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Jonathan Epstein, M.D. and prepared by Zarir E. Karanjawala, M.D., Ph.D.A 48 year old male presented with testicular pain. A hypoechoic lesion was noted measuring 1.5cm abutting the tunica vaginalis inferior to the testis. The lesion was resected.Metastatic adenocarcinomaEpithelioid hemangioendotheliomaLymphangiomaAdrenomatoid tumor 1. Presented by Jonathan Epstein, M.D. and prepared by Zarir E. Karanjawala, M.D., Ph.D.A 48 year old male presented with testicular pain. A hypoechoic lesion was noted measuring 1.5cm abutting the tunica vaginalis inferior to the testis. The lesion was resected.