bladder, cases Week 319: Case 5 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by George Netto, M.D. and prepared by Amy Duffield, M.D., Ph.D.A 47 year old west African male presented with urinary frequency and hematuria. On imaging studies his urinary bladder revealed extensive mural calcifications. A transurethral biopsy was obtained./images/5B_7_30_07.jpg/images/5G_7_30_07.jpg/images/5C_7_30_07.jpg/images/5D_7_30_07.jpg/images/5E_7_30_07.jpgTumoral calcinosis of bladderCystolithiasis with concentric mural calcificationUrinary bladder Schistosomiasis with extensive calcifications Loading...