cases, stomach Week 261: Case 5 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Ralph Hruban, M.D. and prepared by Shien Micchelli, M.D.This middle-aged woman underwent a gastrectomy for a biopsy-proven infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the stomach. The lesion illustrated was found by the pathologist as part of a hunt for lymph nodes in the perigastric fat.images/3_13_06_5a.jpgimages/3_13_06_5b.jpgimages/3_13_06_5c.jpgimages/3_13_06_5d.jpgPanIN in ectopic pancreasMetastatic acinar cell carcinomaMetastatic gastric intestinal type carcinomaIntranodal epithelial inclusion Loading...