cases, nasopharynx Week 258: Case 2 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by George Netto, MD and prepared by Shien Micchelli, M.D.A 37 year old white man presented with persistent nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis. On imaging studies, he was found to have a 5 cm left nasopharyngeal mass. images/2_27_06_2a.jpgimages/2_27_06_2b.jpgimages/2_27_06_2c.jpgimages/2_27_06_2d.jpgimages/2_27_06_2e.jpgFibromatosisCavernous hemangiomaJuvenile Nasopharyngeal angiofibromaHemangiopericytoma Loading...