cases, small intestine Week 239: Case 1 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Pedram Argani, M.D. and prepared by Todd Sheridan, M.D.51 year-old male with history of Crohn"s disease, on Remicade. The patient fails medical therapy and undergoes small bowel resection.images/9.19.05.PAcase1a.jpgimages/9.19.05.PAcase1b.jpgimages/9.19.05.PAcase1c.jpgimages/9.19.05.PAcase1d.jpgimages/9.19.05.PAcase1e.jpgFulminant Crohn's diseaseIndeterminant colitisMalignant lymphoma, diffuse large cell typeHistoplasmosis Loading...