bone, cases Week 163: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Edward McCarthy, M.D. and prepared by Marc Halushka M.D., Ph.D.A 45-year old man had pain in both his legs. Radiographs demonstrated defuse radiodensity in a zonal pattern that involved both femurs. In addition, this gentleman had defused radiodensities involving many other long bones. A biopsy showed numerous histiocytic-like cells, and an S100 stain was negative.images/Halushka/conf121503/case6image1.jpgimages/Halushka/conf121503/case6image2.jpgimages/Halushka/conf121503/case6image3.jpgimages/Halushka/conf121503/case6image4.jpgOsteomyelitisLangerhans' cell histiocytosisErdheim-Chester diseaseRosai-Dorfman disease Loading...