cases, extremity Week 100: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Edward McCarthy, M.D. and prepared by Lynette S. Nichols, M.D.A 40 year old man had a swelling over the distal portion of his thumb for many years. Radiographs demonstrate an extensive radiodense deposits in the soft tissue around the volar aspect of the distal phalanx and DIP joint.images/Lyn's/Mc-7-22-02.6.a.jpgimages/Lyn's/Mc-7-22-02.6.b.jpgimages/Lyn's/Mc-7-22-02.6.c.jpgimages/Lyn's/Mc-7-22-02.6.d.jpgimages/Lyn's/Mc-7-22-02-6.e.jpgSynovial chondromatosisChondrosarcomaTumoral calcium pyrophosphate deposition diseaseTumoral calcinosis Loading...