cases, soft tissue Week 202: Case 6 April 26, 2023 pathadmin 1. Presented by Ralph Hruban, M.D. and prepared by Jon Davison, M.D.This middle-aged woman was found to have a small (2 cm) mass in her neck on physical exam. On questioning she had some non-specific, trivial neurologic symptoms in her arm on the side of the lesion.images/SPWEB_11-15-04/Case_6/1.jpgimages/SPWEB_11-15-04/Case_6/2.jpgimages/SPWEB_11-15-04/Case_6/3.jpgimages/SPWEB_11-15-04/Case_6/4.jpgNeurofibromaGanglioneurofibromaSchwannomaGanglioneuroblastoma Loading...